Herbal Cures and Natural Remedies For Anxiety

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In a nutshell, anxiety is an overwhelming feeling of fear and nervousness. Many long term sufferers of anxiety have learned to cope with their behavior exhibiting anxiety, that they may no longer be able to detect it. The symptoms of anxiety can range from mild, short-term feelings to intense, long-term feelings of stress and fear.

Anxiety can be caused by many things, including certain foods, a poor diet, nutritional deficiencies, stress, genetics, major life transitions, mental illness, and certain medications, demonic infestations, etc. People who experience anxiety often worry about future issues such as; aging, health, finances, how others view them, and a variety of other things.

Anxiety sufferers may appear abnomarly sensitive, depressed, or stressed out. Anxiety may also cause physical symptoms such as muscle tension, headaches, fatigue, stomachaches, unexplained illenses and much more. Anxiety usually goes hand-in-hand with sleep disturbances (sporadic movements while sleeping), making it even more likely that you’ll feel out of whack when you wake. Many anxiety suffers have trouble waking up on their own, feeling overly groggy in the morning. Anxiety is a serious condition, but fortunately, there are a number of natural, health remedies available to help you manage your symptoms and reclaim your life.


Winning The Fight With Anxiety, Stress, and Tension

Exercise – when we are stressed, our body produces excess amounts of cortisol, the hormone responsible for increasing blood sugar levels and releasing energy stores. When cortisol levels are elevated, it’s as though your body is in fight-or-flight mode, ready to stand its ground rather than calmly focus on the task at hand. Exercise is a natural way to counteract the effects of cortisol, and it has also been proven to reduce anxiety and improve mood.

Breathing exercises – when you’re stressed out, your breathing becomes more rapid and uneven. This is a sign that cortisol levels are rising, and it can be a precursor to an anxiety attack. Taking a few minutes to practice slow, deep breathing exercises can help to lower cortisol levels and calm your stress response.

Get quality sleep – poor sleep habits are one of the leading causes of anxiety, especially when the anxiety persists. – Eat a healthy diet – Anxiety can be triggered by a poor diet, particularly a lack of B vitamins, fats, amino acids, and magnesium.

Getting back to nature – spending time in nature has been shown to reduce anxiety. – Meditate – Research has shown that meditation can help to reduce anxiety and stress. – Avoid caffeine – Excessive caffeine consumption can sometimes lead to anxiety, as well as insomnia.


5 Natural Herbal Remedies for Anxiety

Ginseng is the most widely studied herbal remedy available. It has been shown to have a positive effect on the nervous system, as well as on the immune system. In one study, patients who were given ginseng reported significantly lower levels of anxiety compared to those who did not receive ginseng.

Ashwagandha is often referred to as an “adaptogen,” a type of herb that helps to normalize the body’s response to stress. Ashwagandha has been shown to help reduce cortisol levels, as well as anxiety and insomnia.

Chamomile is one of the most widely used herbal teas, and it also happens to be one of the most effective natural remedies for anxiety. Chamomile is also helpful for insomnia and stress-related digestive issues. While many commercial teas still contain potentially harmful pesticides, chamomile tea is both easy and inexpensive to make at home.

Lemon balm is another herb that has shown promise as an effective anxiety remedy. Lemon balm is a member of the mint family, and it can be used both in its fresh and dried forms.

Valerian is a root that has been used for centuries for its calming and anti-anxiety properties. In one study, patients who were given valerian root reported a significant improvement in their anxiety levels, compared to patients who did not receive valerian.


3 Essential Oils for Anxiety Relief

1) Lavender essential oil has been shown to have a positive effect on anxiety and sleep quality. It has also been shown to have a positive effect on headaches, stress, and nervousness.

2) Bergamot essential oil is an effective remedy for both anxiety and insomnia. It has a soothing, calming effect, as well as an uplifting aroma that can help to relieve stress.

3) Roman chamomile essential oil can have a positive effect on both anxiety and insomnia, and it can also have a soothing effect on the skin.


Breathing Exercises to Calm the Mind

Breathing is one of the simplest yet most effective natural cures for anxiety. Slow, controlled breathing is a powerful relaxation method that can be used in a variety of situations, from calming down after a stressful event to improving sleep.

If you’re struggling with anxiety, you may be taking quick and shallow breaths, also known as “chest breathing”. Chest breathing often occurs when you’re stressed or anxious, and can actually make your feelings of anxiety stronger by stimulating your fight-or-flight responses. If you notice yourself taking quick, shallow breaths, try slowing down your breathing to help ease your anxiety symptoms.

Taking a few moments to focus on your breathing, particularly as you inhale and exhale. – Sitting in a quiet setting and focusing on your breathing.


Anxiety Can Get Better – Be Encouraged!

Anxiety disorders are often complicated. You may have one or many different anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders have the potential to spiral out of control and affect every part of your life. Finding the right treatment is critical to getting your life back on track and maintaining control over your anxiety.

Anxiety can make you feel like you’re on an emotional rollercoaster, and it’s important to realize that you don’t have to go through it alone. The great news is that there are a variety of natural remedies that can help to ease your anxiety symptoms. If you feel like you have a mild case of anxiety, then you can try some of these natural remedies mentioned here to help relieve your symptoms. If you have a severe case of anxiety, then you should talk to your naturopath, and seek out God Almighty for help.

We hope this information has added some positive enrichment to your life. We are always here to help with any questions or concerns that you may have. Please contact us for more information. Have a wonderful, healthy day!


Information Disclaimer: The following statements are for educational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the FDA. We encourage you to speak with your preferred medical advisor to determine if this information is right for you. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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