Emotional Abuse

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What is emotional abuse? How can you recognize when you are being emotionally abused and what should you do about it? The term emotional abuse is used to describe any kind of verbal or physical abuse that affects your emotions. Emotional abuse leaves its scars in many ways, but one of the most painful is how it makes you feel about yourself. It can make it hard for you trust other people and establish lasting relationships.


What is emotional abuse?

Emotional abuse is any behavior that controls your emotions through verbal threats and manipulation in the form of fear. It can be as simple as controlling how you feel or respond to certain things in your life. In a relationship, emotional abuse occurs when one controlling person uses emotional means of control to diminish the self-confidence of the other. It’s called emotional abuse because the abuser tries to control the victim’s emotional responses. There are many different types of emotional abuse. One kind might be more severe than others. You can recognize emotional abuse in a relationship by the signs below. If you’re in an emotionally abusive relationship, get help from someone you trust or just get out if you can.


Spotting emotional abuse

If you recognize any of the signs below in your day-to-day life, it might be time to look for emotional abuse in your relationship:

1) You frequently feel sad or hopeless.

2) You often feel angry, even though you’re trying to control it.

3) You often feel depressed.

4) You might even think about suicide.

4) You often feel confused.

5) You don’t know what you want or how you feel

6) You don’t know who you are.

7) You often feel strong physical pain.

8) You might have a physical ailment that makes you feel this way.

9) You often feel helpless or trapped.

10) You feel intensely judged or negatively criticized by your abuser.

11) Your abuser controls how you spend your time or how you look.


Keep in mind: not all criticism is abuse and not all judgements are abusive. There is positive critique or reinforced criticism that is helpful, even uplifting. Sometimes you just have to call people out when they need to be straighten up. The main difference between an emotional abuser vs one who judges rightly and critiques constructively is the abuser drowns you constantly in negative emotions, all the time without any hope for getting better. The constructive critic with love tells you how it is with a positive reinforcement of making corrections and offering guidance on getting better.


How to recognize when you’re being emotionally abused

If you think you’re being abused emotionally, it helps to talk to a friend or a trusted resource, such as family. They’ll be able to help you recognize when you’re being abused and get out of the relationship if you can. But be prepared to take some time to process your feelings. You may need to talk to someone about how you feel before you can make sense of what happened. You might also want to seek professional help, depending on the severity of the situation.


Healing from emotional abuse

Understanding emotional abuse is the first step to overcoming it. It’s important to take care of yourself during this process. It’s normal to be angry, sad, stressed, or depressed when you’re healing from emotionally abusive situation.

You might even have physical ailments that make you feel this way. This doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. It just means you need support. You might want to talk to someone who has been through a similar experience and can understand what you’re going through.

While you’re healing, be mindful of what you say and do online. Many abusers use social media to control the way their victims feel. Examine the things you say online and ask yourself if they’re related to your healing process. If not, consider deleting them. Consider removing all negative influences and terrible people from you life.


How to get over emotional abuse naturally

Emotional healing takes a long while, sometimes many years. There are many ways to overcome abuse, but the most important is to take care of yourself. Get yourself into a safe space with family, and trusted ones.

As mentioned – remember that this is a process. You’re not going to get over it overnight. You might feel better after a few weeks or months, or you might feel better after years. It just depends on the person. That being said, you can speed up the process a little bit.

Try to relax when you can. Eat a well-balanced diet and start taking time off to rest, also getting enough sleep. Exercise releases endorphins that can help you relax. Meditate on the Word of God for peace and comfort. Take time off from work if you need. Visit nature, take some long, calming walks. Think healing, peace, and victory.


Healing Herbs For Emotional Abuse

Healing herbs can be helpful for mental and emotional abuse. These herbs include Rosemary, Lemon balm, Black cohosh, and Exercise. These can help you recover from this kind of abuse and regain control of your life. In addition, these herbs are safe to take and do not have any side effects.


Rosemary has a long history of use as a healing herb, as well as a spiritual one. It was used to ward off evil spirits, and it was a common ingredient in funeral rites to help grieving people remember their loved ones. Today, it is used for rituals to help cleanse a room or home of negativity. Its scientific name is rosmarinus officinalis. It comes from the Latin rosmarinus, meaning “dew of the sea.”

Lemon balm

Lemon balm is a healing herb that supports the nervous system and reduces stress. Its sedative and trophorestorative properties help to calm a stressed heart and soothe a scattering mind. It contains powerful antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage and can help prevent degenerative diseases and age-related mental decline.

Black cohosh

Black Cohosh flower essence is an exceptional aid for overcoming emotional abuse. This flower extract helps you to remove the ’emotional grip’ of an abusive relationship and reclaim your power over your life. It also helps you deal with arthritis and improves blood circulation.


Activate Your Support Network

People who have been the victim of emotional abuse often feel depressed and afraid. They may have nightmares or flashbacks. They may also startle easily. They may even use mood-altering substances to deal with the situation. Fortunately, there are many ways to deal with the pain and trauma caused by emotional abuse, by calling upon Jesus to help you. Jesus will help you if you are sincerely seeking Him!


Family can immensely help with healing from the effects of emotional abuse and help you feel better in a variety of ways. Emotional abuse is supper stressful and can be hard on the body. It can cause tension in the muscles, which can increase the risk of hypertension. It can also cause low self-esteem and a host of other negative feelings, including withdrawing from your support system, including your family. Don’t become consumed with negativity, feeling sorry for yourself trap – trusted family can be a really good support system.


Wrapping Up

It’s not easy to overcome emotional abuse. It takes a lot of strength to leave a toxic relationship and rebuild your life from the ground up. That being said, it’s possible. You can get over emotional abuse if you want. The decision is yours! Yes, you can heal and have a better emotional state. We hope this article has helped you understand emotional abuse better. Now you’re in a better position to protect yourself from this type of abuse and get out of an abusive relationship if you need to. Be encouraged!

We hope this information has added some positive enrichment to your life. We are always here to help with any questions or concerns that you may have. Please contact us for more information. Have a wonderful, healthy day!


Information Disclaimer: The following statements are for educational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the FDA. We encourage you to speak with your preferred medical advisor to determine if this information is right for you. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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