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Herbal Remedies As Natural Cures For Brain Cancer

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As we learn more about nature and its potent healing properties, natural cures for brain cancer are becoming more popular. Some of the most promising and effective remedies come from herbs grown straight out of earth. These herbs include Artemisia L., Ashwagandha, Curcumin, and others. Read on to learn more about the potential benefits of…

The Dangers of Using Conventional Skin Care Products

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The disease of cancer is a topic that is never far from the public consciousness. We are bombarded with news stories, commercials, and social media posts about the latest cancer breakthroughs and the best ways to avoid the disease. But what if I told you that one of the biggest dangers to your health might…

The Benefits of Eating Organic Food

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You may be wondering if organic foods are really worth the higher price tag. After all, conventional foods are cheaper and more convenient to find. However, there are several reasons why organic foods are a better choice for your health, the environment, and your wallet in the long run. Health Benefits of Eating Organic Foods…

Avoiding the Covid Virus in 2022: What You Need to Know

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The Covid virus has been a global pandemic for over two years now. Many countries have been successful in containing the virus and have even begun to lift restrictions. However, there are still many countries that are struggling to control the spread of the virus. In this informative post, we will discuss some of the things…

Herbal Cures for the Common Cold That Actually Work

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Ah, the common cold. Just when you thought you had your health under control, a pesky cold comes along to ruin everything. But did you know that there are actually herbal cures for the common cold that have been proven to work? Here are four of the best:   Echinacea Echinacea is a flowering plant…

Natural Herbal Remedies For Insomnia That Actually Work!

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If you’re one of the millions of Americans who suffer from insomnia, you know how frustrating it can be to try to get a good night’s sleep. You’ve probably tried every remedy in the book, but nothing seems to work. Well, there’s good news! There are natural herbal remedies for insomnia that actually work. Here…

Natural Cures For Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

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Natural Remedies For OCD and Phobias OCD and phobias are two of the most common anxiety disorders. They are also two of the most treatable mental health issues. If you have OCD or a phobia, finding the right treatment is critical so you can regain control of your life. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize that…

Herbal Cures and Natural Remedies For Anxiety

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  In a nutshell, anxiety is an overwhelming feeling of fear and nervousness. Many long term sufferers of anxiety have learned to cope with their behavior exhibiting anxiety, that they may no longer be able to detect it. The symptoms of anxiety can range from mild, short-term feelings to intense, long-term feelings of stress and…

Mental Health and Natural Cures

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Mental health is a significant factor in how we feel and react to different situations. Unfortunately, many people struggle with mental health issues, especially during stressful times. Natural remedies for mental health can be used in conjunction with herbal treatments or as a stand-alone natural treatment plan.  The brain of mankind is one of the most complex structures…

Poor Gut Health Related To Leaky Gut, IBS, and Intestinal Cancers

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Poor Gut Health Related To Leaky Gut, IBS, and Intestinal Cancers Gut health is a growing area of research as we discover more about the role our gut plays in our physical and mental well-being. The microbiome or microbiota — meaning the microorganisms that live on and in us, play an integral role in our gut…

Cancer Causing Chemicals Commonly Found In Shampoo

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Did you know that using hair products with carcinogenic chemicals in them could increase your risk of developing cancer? Did you also know that the average woman uses 12 different hair products every single day? Did you further know that most of these products likely contain carcinogenic chemicals in them? If not, don’t worry, you’re…

Avoiding GMO Foods For Optimal Health

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According to the World Health Organization, cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide. In 2018, cancer caused an estimated 9.6 million deaths, or one out of every six deaths, worldwide. Prostate, colorectal, stomach, and liver cancer are the most widespread types of cancer in men, whereas breast, colorectal, lung, cervical, and thyroid cancer are…

Toxic Chemicals Commonly Found in Skin Care

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There’s a lot of confusion out there about which ingredients are safe to use on your skin and which aren’t. The problem is that many people assume that all skin care products are safe for you. But it’s not as simple as that. In truth, if your skin care products are not natural, then it’s…