The Organic Tea Tree Skin Detox

Detoxing For a More Healthy You!

Organic tea tree essential oil started climbing the charts as a favorite for at-home skin treatment during the 1770s, when a British explorer braving the unknown in Australia saw aboriginal people brewing the plants’ leaves to make tea. It did not go out of style with the passing of time, gaining instead popularity when Arthur Penfold, an Australian chemist, first documented the many uses and benefits of tea tree oil in a collection of papers that circulated world-wide. Knowledge grew, as did usage, and organic tea tree essential oil became more popular and en vogue with the years.

From then on, dermatologists, aestheticians, naturopathic clinicians, beauty editors, and health bloggers began to write praises on the essential oil, and provide tips and tricks on how to use it correctly with any skin-care regimen. Face naturals joins the chorus of voices backing up the effectiveness of this long-standing oil. You may recognize it from our own ingredient lists for a certain line of products. Now, we tell you the secret as to why we use it and what it can do for you. Learn the ins and outs of your favorite products so you know more about one of our most noteworthy ingredients – tea tree essential oil.


Tea Tree’s Trademarks

Also called melaleuca alternifolia, the tea tree is part of the myrtle family. One can extract oil from the leaves through a steaming process to produce a light yellow to clear oil with a thin, water-like consistency. The scent of the oil is often slightly potent, with a spicy and somewhat camphor-like aroma that opens the sinuses. The tea tree only grows natively in Australia, where it was first discovered. The oil is a favorite world-wide.

This oil works so profoundly well for the skin because of its variety of components and properties. It has a whole list of different abilities, including killing mold, fungus, and bacteria. It has expectorant properties that allow it to make an excellent method of aromatherapy for relieving the congestion often associated with cold – simply by sniffing in the scent.


Tea tree essential oil has a number of elements that cultivate its effectiveness:


  • alpha pinene
  • cineole
  • limonene 
  • para cymene
  • gamma terpinene 
  • linalool
  • terpinenol
  • alpha terpinenol
  • sabinene
  • beta pinene
  • myrcene
  • terpinolene 
  • alpha phellandrene 
  • gamma terpinene


Treat Your Skin with Tea Tree

Organic tea tree essential oil can improve a multitude of skin conditions that cause irritation or unsightly marks and scars. Some of these conditions include acne, scars, wounds, overproduction of oil, warts, rashes, dandruff, and insect bites. Because of its antiseptic and antibiotic properties, this oil eradicates bacteria and grime that often thrive on the skin to cause acne. Our Peppermint and Tea Tree product line uses these properties to an advantage, providing a thorough cleanse all over the body.

The sudorific abilities also contribute to an optimal skin cleansing. Tea tree essential oil can literally diminish the level of toxins naturally acquired in the pores. It opens the pores up to release any excess water and salt – another reason acne flareups can occur. These functions make it helpful for skin that needs premium blemish control. We use it some of our Anti-Blemish line, including the facial toner, moisturizer, and serum.

Sometimes, skin needs a little extra stimulation to be healthy from the inside out. So, tea tree essential oil works to balance hormone secretions, boost circulation to the surface of the skin, and advance the epidermal immunity from infections and bacteria with regular use. This solves problems with oily skin at the root – deep within the pores. The Purify Facial Cleanser from our Purify line offers these balancing abilities through organic tea tree essential oil.


Treat Your Skin to Tea Tree with Face Naturals

Face naturals proudly carries multiple products that contain organic tea tree essential oil as an ingredient. To find out if any of these products will work best for you, contact us! Your face naturals family will point you down the path toward natural skin perfection. Our organic ingredients will provide your complexion with high-quality healing from the best botanicals we could find.

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