Tag Archives: Healthy Moments

Eco Warriors: Your Guide to Sustainable Living

climate change sustainable living green peace global warming climate crisis eco friendly living recycle save planet earth eco warrior

As we begin reading this incredibly informative article on health, be aware that we’re here to support you every step of the way as you strive for optimal well-being! We’re like health missionaries, ready to share our knowledge, encouraging you along the way with your health journey. We understand the importance of addressing both the…

Benzoyl Peroxide – Helpful or Harmful?

blogs posts benzoyl peroxide helpful or harmful 615469

Breakouts are the skin bane of teenagers and adults alike. It’s tempting to reach for the “quick fix” to clear skin. Usually that’s benzoyl peroxide, likely the most widely used ingredient in acne preparations both over the counter and prescription. The use of Benzoyl Peroxide (BP) in cosmetic and acne preparations has been banned throughout Europe. So why are we still using it?

What is Moroccan Rhassoul Clay and how can it help me?

blogs posts what is moroccan rhassoul clay and how can it help me 948366

Moroccan rhassoul clay is a fantastic beauty tool that can help visibly improve the appearance of your facial skin within minutes! It’s a lovely ochre colored clay with a silky smooth texture. Mined in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, this extraordinary mineral-rich clay is known for its unmatched ability to absorb impurities from the skin. It cleanses deep, clearing pores and tightening skin without harsh scrubs or chemicals.

Carrots, it’s what’s for dinner!

blogs posts carrots its whats for dinner 520598

You don’t need to be Bugs Bunny to appreciate the health benefits of carrots!  Naturally sweet, these crunchy root veggies are bursting with protective antioxidants, vitamins (A, B6, C, E), and critical trace minerals (potassium, copper, magnesium, manganese).

Laugh! Life is always better when you do!

blogs posts laugh life is always better when you do 860975

Laughter is so good for us! It triggers the release of endorphins (happiness hormones), helps to boosts the immune system, relaxes the whole body, protects the heart, lowers stress, eases anxiety, casts away fear, improves mood, helps with alertness, creativity, and memory! Go ahead and get your laugh on today!

Say NO to GMO!

Please support your local family farmers and farmers markets! Most are happy to tell you exactly how your food was grown and many will allow visitors to their farm if you just ask! Plus, you’ll know your food is freshest since it only had to travel a few short miles.

The Natural Alternative to Botox

If you think exercising is important for your body, then consider exercise for your face, too. Your face has muscles, and toned muscles will always look better than weak, flabby muscles. Unlike skeletal muscles, such as those in your biceps and hamstrings, muscles in the face are often directly attached to the skin that covers them.  When these muscles lose tone and elasticity, gravity begins to pull the skin over them down, resulting in the dreaded skin sagging.

The Original Fast Food

blogs posts the original fast food 417591
Fast Food Nation: A Generation Later

In the time it will take you to read this, two more Americans will have died from cancer. In your lifetime, one in three people will contract some form of cancer.  One in four will die from the disease.  Within the next five years, cancer will surpass heart disease as the leading cause of death in the United States.

25 Dangerous Chemicals Commonly Used In Cosmetics

blogs posts 25 dangerous chemicals commonly used in cosmetics 593049

These are commonly used toxic chemicals that even manage to find their way into many “natural” body care products. We recommend that you avoid these chemicals in your personal products as many of them have the ability to bioaccumulate (build-up) in your body.