Tag Archives: pest control

Patch Up Your Pet Care… Naturally!

Pamper Your Pets Naturally!

Everyone knows that our pets are just as important to our families as humans. Our cats and dogs will celebrate with us, snuggle with us, and share our general struggles with us. Some call them man’s best friend; other’s call them their children. Thus, we find great importance in taking care of our furbabies. However, many of the most popular pet supplies can have some serious health implications.

The upcoming warm seasons herald the arrival of potential flea plagues for many pet owners. Plus, with March marking Nation Pet Care Month, we decided to delve into the details of maintaining your pet’s health the holistic way. Face naturals outlines some potential dangers to using common flea treatments that contain insecticides as active ingredients, and ideas for keeping fleas at a minimum using only natural ingredients. Some of our products may even help you keep your four-legged children in ship shape.