The Hope in Autism

The Rise in Autism

A modern dread plagues the minds of many expecting parents-to-be in America, creating new concerns and fears in families across the country. A variety of suspects are often to blame for the recent spike and development of new cases within the past twenty years. As the statistics rise in staggering numbers, the mystery shrouding this condition grows to a frightening shadow.

That condition is autism, and it affects at least one in sixty eight babies born in America, with over three and a half million individuals struggling to live with this condition. Also called autism spectrum disorder, the statistics of people born with the condition have grown steadily since 2000. Scientists, therapists, doctors, and parents alike continue trying to locate what fuels the frighteningly consistent growth. Face naturals provides you with some potential answers, and some potential, natural solutions.


Recognizing Autistic Behaviors

As the issues concerning the treatment of autism continue to rise, many researchers speculate about what causes this condition and how a child may develop it. The issues do not lie with the individuals struggling with autism spectrum disorder themselves, but in the problematic lack of communication between neuro-typical (nonautistic) and neuro-atypical (autistic) people. The difficulties that both groups experience in attempting to establish communication with one another often leads to the autistic individual struggling in daily tasks and transitions that most would not think twice about.

At least forty percent of children and young adults dealing with autism cannot speak. The condition may be slight and easily overcome, such as Asperger’s syndrome, or more difficult to treat. Autism is also four times more likely to materialize in males than in females. And while only about one percent of the world’s current population has a disorder characterized by the autistic spectrum, the sharp incline in cases over the past two decades requires that the public pay more attention to it. Yet, causes related to the treatment and research of this condition continue to receive the least amount of funding, despite statistics showing that autism claims the quickest growth rate as far as neurodevelopment disorders.

So, how can one distinguish an autistic child from a neuro-typical child? During the first year of life, the child lacks facial expressions and responses such as smiling, babbling or other sound as communication, eye contact, gesturing, or responses to such social stimulation from others. An autistic child in the early stages may seem very much lost in his or her own world, without the innate ability to connect with adults, other children, and the surrounding world that other children generally develop within their first year of life. Indicators within the second year include inability to form words, repeat words, or express phrases. Where one child would say ‘mama’ or ‘dada’ to get a parent’s attention, an autistic child cannot establish such communication. They may have difficulty understanding social connections such as these, thus cannot communicate in such ways.


Autism Risk Factors

The most commonly suggested reason behind autistic development often lies with inherited genes. While we can merit some of these cases to inherited predisposition, more and more professionals believe that a wide variety of complications can lead to a child’s autism. Moreover, it is important to remember that even the genetic factor may come from exterior stimuli outside of inheritance. Much of the recent research dedicated to autism suggests that environmental factors weigh in heavily on whether or not a child is autistic as well. Here are a few things to consider about what causes autism and whether or not a pregnancy or child might be at risk.

As mentioned in our article about vaccinations, some studies offer evidence that ingredients used in some vaccines may trigger the development of this condition. For instance, exposing a young baby with a developing immune system to an aggressive vaccination with potentially harmful ingredients could contribute to a child’s likelihood of developing autistic spectrum disorder – especially if said child is predisposed to an autoimmune disorder. Ingredients such as mercury and thimerosal were eliminated due to their previously unstudied toxic effects on the children receiving injections.

The prenatal course of development may also play into the potential for development of autism. Women and men over the age of forty are more at risk for potential gene malfunction and development, and this includes where reproductive cells are involved. A fetus conceived by parents around this age range have a fifty percent higher likelihood of developing autism. Similarly, if a woman does not take her prenatal vitamins, or is exposed to certain kinds of medications, then this can also up the child’s chances of having a disorder of the autistic spectrum. Children whose mothers who eat a great deal of processed foods with synthetic chemicals and flavorings, or who have developed diabetes or obesity as a result are also at a higher risk.

The environment factors in as well, with a recent study showing an eighty six percent elevation in risk for pregnancies carried to term near a freeway. One study concluded that out of one hundred and ninety autistic participants, up to one hundred and seventy of them were affected by environmental toxicants – an eighty nine percent range. Evidence suggests that air pollutants such as methylene chloride, quinoline, and styrene are potentially top contributors as well. Pesticides and herbicides contaminating the air can also contribute to autistic development.


Options for Natural Remedies

Whether opting for treatment programs, medications, or other choices to manage a child’s autistic behavior, parents need to understand and take advantages of information and resources made available to them. No two individuals with autism are alike. Thus, the effectiveness of treatments may vary, as what works for one person may not work well for another. Combining different types of therapy is also an option, and may produce optimal results for the individual. We advocate incorporating natural remedies into these options, and seek to inform you on what natural options are available, their potential for effectiveness, and how to employ them.

Many parents find that making simple improvements to the child’s diet will make management of autism a little easier. One can employ this method through ensuring that the child consumes up to four servings of organic vegetables, two servings of organic fruits, and two servings of proteins through eggs, beans, nuts, or seeds. Cutting down or eliminating added sugars, transfat, refined or artificial ingredients, and processed foods will maximize the effectiveness of nutritional therapy. The organic options will help keep pesticides out of the body, which are linked to the development of autism. Research shows that forty eight percent of 3695 cases studied saw improvements from cutting out artificial additives and chemicals, while fifty three precent of 758 cases improved from consuming more organic whole foods.

Up to sixty one percent of 560 cases experienced improvements when treating food allergies and removing allergens from the child’s consumption. These improvements can include better behavior and prolonged attention span. Since food allergies can be caused either by an inefficient immune system or digestive tract, a parent can add enzymes and probiotics to improve digestive abilities. This will further the body’s ability to absorb nutrients and minerals. Foods like Greek yogurt and apple cider vinegar contain enzymes and probiotics that will perform this task. Since most of the immune system lies in the digestive tract, this will also improve immune function. Testing for allergies can also lay the groundwork for understanding what affects some behaviors and responses. Blood tests, diet logs, and skin tests can help to determine what substances negatively affect the child.

Remove gluten from all meals that the child consumes. Gluten is a typical allergy that many individuals with autism experience. Gluten can negatively affect brain functions, effecting behavior and causing aggressive or harmful responses to stimuli. Out of 1446 reports of families implementing this type of treatment on children with autism, about sixty five percent experienced improvement in removing all gluten from the child’s diet. One study showed evidence of improvement as early as three months into an eight-year span of time. The improvements continued over the next year, with the autistic individuals making eye contact more often, obtaining better learning skills, and exhibiting less hyperactivity and panic attacks.

Additionally, supplementing with certain vitamins and minerals can improve a child’s sleep patterns and digestive functions. For instance, sixty three percent of 192 studied cases experienced improvement when supplements of vitamin B12 were given to the children with autism. A number of other supplements have also offered hope of improvement and better management, including folic acid, magnesium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. Vitamin deficiencies can wreak havoc on a multitude of functions within the body. This can lead to more than just one system causing trouble within a person’s body, thus allowing cells to mutate and underperform. Supplementing with the proper doses of needed vitamins and minerals could help a child with autism by improving and cleaning the functions of the brain. Multiple studies proved that oxidative stress is a substantial issue with autistic children, thus increasing their need for vitamins that work as antioxidants.

Finally, adding a proper amount of needed fatty acids will offer improvement as well. Flax seed oil, avocados, eggs, hemp seeds, olive oil, and dark green vegetables like spinach are all excellent sources of fatty acids. Fatty acids ensure proper brain development and keep depression at bay. The brain also performs better on a day to day basis, without as much stress. The number of cases used to measure the success of this treatment was 626, and fifty five percent of these cases experienced improvement through gut function, sociability, hyperactivity, and language development as well as learning skills.

These are just a few of the natural remedial options that could potentially improve the autistic child’s condition. There is no cure for disorders on the autism spectrum – and there need not be. Treating autism is really more about improving a child’s ability to function on a day to day basis, and later adapt more easily to changes that might otherwise upset the situation. This is why we believe in treatment through improving diet. When one teaches the physical body to manage stress differently, the mind will eventually follow suit. Discover what combination of therapies might work best for you and your child, and create a personalized routine to suit his or her needs today. No two children with autism are alike, and each deserves a plan that fits perfectly.


Find Your Healing Path with Face Naturals

Your face naturals family wants to honor the community surrounding autism, from parents, to siblings, to the children and adults living day to day with it themselves. That is why we want you to know your options and educate yourself on the factors that play into it and the different ways to manage it. We invite you to share your story about autism, whether it is you who have it, a friend, or a family member. Your story is welcome, and so are the treatment options that worked for you. Share your information with others to spread the education about ASD.

As a family-centered company, we make it a tradition to provide safe, toxin-free products. You can begin your journey to health and healing with us, and contact us to discover which of our products will work best for you today! We craft each formula from botanical ingredients designed by nature itself to heal and love your skin and body. Check out our web catalogue to find products that will soothe your skin guaranteed!



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