The Radiant Beauty Of Rosemary

Organic rosemary blesses the body with a combination of health benefits for the mind, body, and appearance! That is why we are so excited to introduce rosemary as today’s ingredient spotlight. Used as an ingredient in around fifty four of our face naturals products, rosemary goes the extra mile in improving the health of multiple skin conditions. We wanted to share with you the reasons behind our usage of this highly versatile plant, and why we want to celebrate it with this post.

Medicinal and culinary use of rosemary dates all the way back to 500 B.C., when Greeks and Romans used it in several cultural traditions. Called ‘rosmarinus officinalis’ in Latin, the direct translation means ‘dew of the sea,’ as it originally grew near the oceans. Later, in the 13th century, Spain began cultivating the spice for profit. During the Black Plague, many people in the European population believed that rosemary would keep them healthy. Plague doctors wore bird-shaped masks, and stuffed the beaks with rosemary and other spices as a means of keeping out the horrendous smell and attempting to cleanse the air they breathed.

Now, countries including Spain, France, and Morocco grow and sell rosemary commercially. However, you can grow rosemary easily in your own herb garden too, as rosemary is a hearty evergreen that can grow in other climates. Explore the incredible range of benefits offered by organic rosemary with us, and give your health a dose of sweetly spiced botanical healing. We will point out some of our products that might interest you.


The Well-Rounded Rosemary

Organic rosemary contains plenty of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that play into its ability to perform as a health supplement, skin soother, and mental masseur. Take a look at the outline of all the nutrients that rosemary provides when consumed or applied to the surface of the skin.

As far as vitamins are concerned, rosemary offers a full range of vitamin B complexes, including B6. The spice also provides plenty of vitamin C, an antioxidant and a favorite of ours. It also contains vitamin A, which heightens rosemary’s fortitude and abilities.

Rosemary nourishes the body with multiple minerals, including a high content of calcium. Other necessary minerals include: iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium. Minerals are of high importance because they restructure cells, and offer fortification.

As far as other nutrients are concerned, you will find omegas 3 and 6 plentiful in rosemary’s makeup. Its content of phytosterols, protein, and folate provide an extra boost to its health abilities. All of these substances hold great importance in maintaining mental and physical health as far as rejuvenation.


Rosemary Redefines Health

In order to maximize the benefits you receive from rosemary as far as bodily health, you can incorporate the spice into your diet in the following ways. Many stores or vitamin shoppes carry rosemary as a supplement that you can take by mouth. Another way to ingest rosemary is to use it as a spice to add some flavor to various foods. Some herbologists suggest adding rosemary essential oil to health tonics.

Rosemary works well on the digestive system in a number of different ways. If you struggle with indigestion, then rosemary may offer a solution. It helps regulate and balance bile production and acid fluctuation. Rosemary can also stimulate the appetite. So when you are feeling sick, then adding rosemary to your food can help keep your hunger in check. Other digestive problems that rosemary aids include: flatulence, aching stomach, constipation, and improving the body’s ability to absorb nutrients.

One other health benefit rosemary offers lies in its ability to greatly improve blood flow in the circulation system. Because of this, the pungently sweet spice also helps with a person’s mentality. Ingesting regular amounts of rosemary helps improve concentration and mental energy. This can relieve depression and tiredness, and may offer an alternative treatment to dementia.


Rejuvenate Your Complexion with Rosemary

Rosemary works to heal numerous skin conditions that may agitate the appearance and feeling of the complexion. We love its wide range of uses, and the multiple properties it offers the complexion. Discover the comprehensive list of benefits that rosemary offers your skin, and which of our products might interest you in your skin-care journey.

First, consider the anti-septic properties of rosemary. Because of its strong ability to fight off infections, organic rosemary works well to heal acneic blemishes caused by irritating bacteria. It also fights off future blemishes through cleansing deep into the pores. We use organic rosemary essential oil in our Lemongrass and Rosemary Facial Cleanser for this reason, to provide a clean-washing finish. Our Rosemary Eyelid Cleanser works very effectively for this reason, as it disinfects the eyelids naturally. Rosemary also boosts the cleansing abilities of our bar soaps and body cleansers because of its powerful antiseptic properties that make it an excellent source for disinfecting the surface of the skin.

Because of its ability to stimulate the circulation of blood, rosemary works well to even out skin tone, balancing the overall complexion. It rehydrates the skin and regenerates dead or damaged cells, allowing the skin to appear brighter. This also enhances the natural glow. We use rosemary in our Restore Daily Moisturizer and Balance Daily Moisturizer to serve this purpose.

We also use rosemary leaf extract in our Anti-Blemish Daily Moisturizer and rosemary essential oil in our Anti-Blemish Facial Serum to maximize blemish relief. Organic rosemary disinfects the area of the blemish, and penetrates into the pore to thoroughly cleanse. It lightens your acne scars, and immediately makes pimples less noticeable as it reduces redness.

The anti-aging abilities of rosemary make it a must in our Anti-Aging Night Creme and Anti-Aging Eye Serum. The high content of powerful anti-oxidants mixed with improved blood flow from application allow the complexion to produce a juvenescent glow. It powers our formulas by helping the skin produce new cells quicker.

Utilizing earth’s organic pharmacy, these truly natural products are just the tip of organic bliss as far as maximizing our use of organic rosemary. We also put it to work in some of our facial cleansers, other moisturizers, facial toners, body lotions, and body butters. Its incredible list of qualities that contribute to overall skin health allow it to be a multi-faceted ingredient.


Reap the Benefits of Organic Rosemary with face naturals

We are proud to offer so many products inclusive of rosemary ingredients. This long list of amazingly effective organic products showcases the beneficial purposes that rosemary can serve. That’s why we featured it in this special ingredient spotlight, because helping our health in so many ways deserves a time to shine.

If you want to know more about our other ingredients or products, feel free to contact us. One of our staff members will be glad to get back to you soon! We look forward to hearing from you, and can’t wait to assist you with any questions or concerns about our material, products, or company.



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