Sun your way to health!

These days, dermatologists and uninformed health fanatics give the sun a bad reputation. We see shows featuring doctors that lecture audiences on skin cancer and the necessity – real or imagined – of sun screen. We read magazine articles regarding the subject of the public’s growing concern with skin cancer. We watch commercials that promote sun screens to protect us from the UV rays that reached out to us for thousands of years.

Yet, until about fifty years ago, skin cancer did not consume as much conversation as it does now. And it did not claim the lives and hides of the numerous masses it does today. These days, we view a very negative picture of the sun with numerous people of different professions discussing how the depleted ozone layer is to blame, describing their visits to dermatologists to get a spot of skin cancer burned off, or what SPF they require to protect their children.

But, in focusing so intensely on the details of this relatively modern conception of the sun, we miss the big picture that shows us exactly what to fear. Today, we bring ourselves out of the dermatological shadows and back into the sun. After all, the sun can shed a realistic natural light on the this situation.


The Sunscreen Cover-up

One subject that appears consistently in modern advertising media are brand-name sunscreens that claim glorified SPF numbers that keep pushing higher and higher. People continue to grow more and more adamant about their sunscreen.

Here is your reality check on these insidious sunlight shields. These lotions consist of chemicals that will not linger on your skin’s surface. Instead, the cunning manufacturers design the formulas to soak into the surface, move through the bloodstream, and scatter all over the body. Your liver does not detoxify these elements, and they remain detectable in tests of urine, blood, and breast milk for around two days after exposure.

But, what exactly are your insides soaking up when you slather sunscreen on your skin? At least eleven different toxic chemicals that release cancer-causing free radicals, disrupt healthy hormone production (specifically estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid), and increase skin irritation and allergic reaction. These chemicals include cinoxate, homosalate, methyl anthranilate, and octocrylene. Toxicology experts suggest that another common ingredient, oxybenzone, causes hormone disruption and potential cell damage that leads to cancer.

Wait a minute – so the very thing fabled by advertisements and dermatologists to protect us from skin cancer can cause it? Some studies discovered evidence that some sunscreens even contribute the most aggressive forms of cancer. Can it get any worse?


Dermatology Disaster

It gets worse. Not only are your sunscreens formulated to poison your complexion, but your dermatologists have learned that it pays to lie. A journalist documenting his appointments made with various dermatologists wrote an article to gain some insight on how they fit into the scheme of sun screen. According to his article, a study by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute asserts that melanoma makes the list of five over-diagnosed cancers. Inconsistencies in cancer-removal procedures show that, while doctors remove an increasing number of lesions, morality rates stayed the same since 1975.

Insurance companies pay for the procedures, leaving the doctors with an extra handful of cash and an easy way to make it. Your dermatologist earns an easy paycheck with few restrictions or penalties if they misdiagnose, fears fuel into a purchase of stronger lotion with a higher SPF, and the product companies get paid from these fears. Everyone but your skin wins. Another study showed that while melanoma’s actual incidence does not increase, the reported incidences continue to grow.

When the aforementioned writer mentioned a written piece revolving the dangerous chemicals infused into sunscreens to one of the dermatologists, she replies with “We don’t believe that… The sun is more harmful.” He also estimates that at least half of the 500 major sunscreen producers could potentially provide grounds for malignant cells to fester into cancer.


Sunlight’s Brighter Solution

However, it is not all bad in the skin care profession, and you can eliminate your chances of skin cancer by informing yourself, doing research, and taking action into your own hands – not just relying on the practiced words of your skin care providers.

Contrary to popular belief, the sun provides your body with many benefits that you cannot receive from any other source. A mandatory part of earthly existence, the sun offers your body many benefits – without the dermatologist more concerned with your wallet than your well-being.

Sunlight plays a role in a process that creates vitamin D3 in our bodies – not to mention it is one of the only ways to soak healthy, natural amounts of vitamin D into our bodies. The cholesterol in our skin also responds to sun exposure, which increases the production of vitamin D from our liver and kidneys. Exposing bare skin to sunlight for about 30 minutes a few times a week can help ease depression, boost your metabolism, and cultivate a stronger mental awareness. And here is the real kicker – sunlight helps prevent cancer.

But how would that work with all these messages implying the existence of sunlit dangers? That vitamin D we talked about earlier specifically from sun exposure has correlations with cancer prevention by balancing and maintaining the immune system.


Beat the Burn with Berries

Even with the twisted messages from skin-care specialists and beauty editors, we still have to watch out for painful sunburns. Face naturals has a way for you to soak up  sun-streaked benefits without the potential of soaking cancer-causing chemicals into your bloodstream to protect yourself.

In addition to an SPF high enough to protect your skin from sun burns, red raspberry seed oil contains plenty of vitamins A, E, and fatty acids. These nutrients and antioxidants protect and heal the skin from free radicals as they help the skin maintain a healthy moisture content. Some studies even suggest that red raspberry seed oil helps prevent cancerous legions of the surface of an animal’s skin. So, with this miracle oil sealing your skin in superfruit protection, you will do your body more favors by covering in the oil of a humble berry than slathering on layers of toxic chemicals formulated by lies and sheer desire for ill-gained profit.

You can purchase our organic red raspberry seed oil as a natural alternative to sunscreen. Red raspberry seed oil can have an SPF of 28-50, and contains antioxidants that further prevents skin cancer through its free-radical fighting antioxidants. For more information on our organic red raspberry seed oil, feel free to drop us a line, and we will satisfy your curiosity in organic skin care products.



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