Tag Archives: air quality

Organic Air and The Toxins We Breathe

The Basics of Breathing: How Air Quality Affects Your Health

When most people look to improve their health, they generally go for lifestyle changes that include diet alterations, improved sleep patterns, or exercising. These are often the most commonly known routes to obtaining better health and overall body function. While multiple blogs and magazine articles hail the arrival or discovery of the latest trending superfood to hit grocery stores and food marts, face naturals has a healthy secret that few people consider.

Truth In Aging Series – Air Pollution

Can Pollution Push Your Skin to Age?

Air pollution surrounds us almost every second of every day. Especially if you live in a high-traffic area like a city, you are constantly exposed to a stream of destructive particles that wreak havoc on your health and our environment as a whole.  If you read our article ‘Organic Air and the Toxins We Breathe,’ then you know that air pollution is directly responsible for hundreds upon thousands of chronic health conditions, illnesses, and deaths in the United States alone.