Truth In Aging Series – Decollete Details

Décolleté Redefinition

Have you started kissing low necklines and V-necks goodbye due to the way your chest and look as you age? You are not alone in that, as many people start to notice their chests and necks age more quickly than their faces, with the signs of aging beginning to show dramatically by the age of thirty for most people. The skin around the chest and neck, also known as décolleté, is one of the most neglected areas of skin. Yet, it is also one of the most vulnerable and exposed places on your body. Successful anti-aging routines require attention to all details – from healthy lifestyle habits to ensuring that all areas of skin get the attention they need. So, why let your décolleté go without regular conditioning? 

Believe it or not, there are some simple ways to employ décolleté maintenance and reparation into your daily skincare regimen. Plus, it might surprise you just how simple and easy these slight alterations can be. Understanding how décolleté works and why it is one of the first areas of skin to show the signs of aging will give you a window into what it needs, and what to do to provide it with a good top-of-the-line care. You can drop off the years and get back to wearing your favorite low necklines and V-necks, without giving away your age. Drop the sagging skin around your neck and jowls, and keep your chest looking firmer and more toned with some skin-loving tips from face naturals.


What Damages Décolleté

For the most part, we pay more attention to providing our faces with anti-aging skincare than any other part of the body. From wrinkles to age spots, we look for the best products and remedies to keep our faces from showing just how many years are piling on. However, one area of skin that consistently gets neglected, the décolleté, requires more attention and care than most areas of the epidermis. It can reveal more about your age than your face. Yet, many people have no idea about how to go about creating an effective anti-aging routine that reverses and keeps control of the damage that age brings to this area of skin, often resorting to simply covering it up once the years start to pile on and show. However, the sooner you start to show some focus on this particular area, the more likely you can maintain a smooth décolleté.

Your décolleté is one of the more fragile areas of skin for a number of reasons. First and foremost, it is one of the thinnest layers of skin on our bodies. It also has a much smaller number of sebaceous glands producing protective and hydrating oils. Plus, during the younger years of your life, it will receive more exposure to elements such as the sun’s UV rays, air pollution, and other environmental factors that speed up the aging process. Thus, it is more susceptible to sun damage, sensitivity, and potential for injury. With a slower propensity for healing, less elasticity to maintain tone, and a smaller amount of fatty tissue and muscle to retain shape, this produces a recipe for more damaged capillaries, wrinkles, sagging, and hyperpigmentation. Plus, as the skin’s calcium distribution changes with age, the dermal layer gets thinner.


Diminishing Décolleté Damage

Many people only think about their faces when they start considering an effective way to fight the signs of aging. However, given the above information, we now know that there are good reasons to keep track of décolleté on a regular basis. And, why have we not paid attention to it before? Well, regardless of reasons, now is as good of a time to start as any. Discover how to combat the damage that accumulates on your delicate décolleté, and what you need to do to curb the signs of aging as they appear on your chest and neck. The methods of maintaining décolleté are simplistic, natural, and do not require chemical peels, Botox injections, or surgical lifts. No matter what age you are, whether in your twenties or pushing toward your seventies, following these simple tips and tricks could help your shed the years. Dedicate some time to your décolleté with these ideas.

The first step to retaining a juvenescent décolleté is to help it maintain its natural firmness and tone. We all know that the reserves of collagen and elastin start to diminish as we get older, rendering wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging. The same goes for the chest and neck skin. To stimulate more collagen, make sure you get plenty of vitamin C every day to help ensure firm, healthy skin all around. You will also want to provide proper protection for this area, in order to keep more collagen and elastin from breaking down due to sun damage. Many people do not think about ensuring proper protection for this area of skin; however, much of the damage it receives comes from the sun itself. Avoid age spots and degradation by applying or Red Raspberry Seed Oil on your chest and neck.

Additionally, you will want to treat your décolleté with the same tender love and care that you do your face. This means using your facial products to help keep this area of skin in tact. One of the best anti-aging facial cleansers available at face naturals, the Hibiscus Facial Cleanser, stimulates collagen and elastin, while nourishing with amino acids and antioxidants that fight age spots and sagging. You will also want to exfoliate this area regularly with one of our body scrubs. This will keep the skin from looking dry, dull, and lifeless. Exfoliation also helps improve blood circulation to help maintain a bright color and firm look and feel. A gentle circular motion with the body scrub will ensure that the décolleté gets the exfoliation it needs. After exfoliating, rubbing lemon or lime juice across the décolleté will help tighten and tone the skin, while doing double duty in lightening dark spots and freckles. Finally, add a touch of sunflower seed oil to your skincare. While you will want to use the Red Raspberry Seed Oil for days spent in the sun, using sunflower seed oil as a moisturizer for this area of skin will provide vitamin A. Vitamin A is one of the best nutrients for anti-aging. It also keeps the skin protected naturally from other pollutants.

Most importantly, implement sets of chest exercises into your everyday routine to keep your muscle tone up to par. This can help eliminate a great deal of the sagging that comes due to the inactivity of this general area of skin. Do sets of push-ups each day in order to keep these muscles working. Try to do fifty push-ups with your hands lined up with your shoulders, and fifty more with your hands closer together. This will keep your muscles plump and smooth, while encouraging blood flow and nutrient delivery to the skin. Remember, this is one of the thinnest areas of skin, with less fatty tissue and muscle. So, to keep tone and shape, you will want to implement exercises that supplement this area’s strength.


Fortify Your Ageless Future with Face Naturals

Anti-aging from head to toe starts with curiosity and ideas about how to work nature into your lifestyle – from skincare to diet. Get started on your timeless journey by taking control over what goes into your skincare, and discover what natural botanicals can do for you! Join our healthy mission today by creating an account on web page, where you can enjoy Reward Points, skincare and health tips from our regular blog posts, coupon codes, updates on Twitter, Facebook, and GooglePlus. You can have the benefits of all-natural, edible, healing skincare products made with organic ingredients that respect your skin and health. Start your own healthy mission, and spread the word about face naturals to your family and community.

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