Truth In Aging Series: Hair Care and Aging

Take Your Tresses Back In Time!

One of the most obvious and embarrassing aesthetics that come with the aging process is the thinning, loss, and greying of hair. The rich color, thick volume, and soft texture slowly turns brittle, dry, grey, as it changes like the autumn leaves. Many people, men and women alike, will turn to coloring systems, thickening formulas, or spend excessive amounts on styling products, shampoos, and conditioners in an attempt to bring back the rich life that once emanated from their hair in their days of youth. Unfortunately, many of these techniques can make the situation far worse, and even accelerate your hair’s aging process.

So, what do you do when you comb handfuls of strands out of your scalp everyday? How do you bring back the luminosity and vibrancy you once boasted? And what causes this breakdown of your carefully kept coif? While greying and thinning are a part of the general aging process, you may be surprised at how your own products and techniques play a key role in your loss of hair life. The good news is that, should your product selection be the main contributing factor in your hair’s aging, then you can potentially reverse and heal the damage. We put together a list of hair-dos and hair-don’ts to help you navigate which steps to take next in retaining your youthful coif the natural, nontoxic way.



Believe it or not, a number of different ingredients used in conventional haircare products can cause a great deal of damage, and get the ball rolling on your hair aging prematurely. From greying to thinning to general loss of life in your locks, recognizing the things to watch out for will help you make better selections in your haircare products. Regardless of your age, old or young, it is never too late to ensure healthier hair for life. Watch out for these hair hazards the next time you shop for some shampoo. They may even lurk in your current hair regimen. Check out ‘The Shocking Shroud Surrounding Your Shampoo’ to learn more about shampoo truths.

Alcohol, a problem child discussed in ‘Toxic Personal Care Products and Anti-Agingfor its drying effect on the skin, may also hide within your shampoo bottle. You may be familiar with it in skincare products as a means of combatting acne or oily skin. But in your shampoo? Yes, it may be in your shampoo. You would never think of spraying alcohol in your hair, so why would you allow it in your shampoo? It dehydrates the strands and scalp, depleting the natural oils and coatings your hair develops to protect itself.

Moisturizing shampoos meant to condition dry hair or split ends may contain ingredients such as lanolin or petroleum products. These will clog the pores of the scalp, and prevent your scalp from producing the natural oils needed to maintain the hair’s natural strength, moisture, and elasticity. These ingredients disrupt your hair’s ability to maintain itself because of this, and should be avoided in any product.

Diethanolamine (DEA) and triethanolamine (TEA) create scalp irritation in a number of ways. As ammonia compounds, they serve the purpose of stabilizing the products pH balance. They also break down the reserves of keratin that make up each strand of hair. Your hair is primarily made up this protein, which means these ingredients damage the very structure of the strand’s material.

Parabens, including methylparaben and propylparaben, are two examples of preservatives that encourage even more hair loss – which is definitely something that you will want to avoid as you get older. To discover even more harm that parabens cause your skin, hair, and body, check out our blog post ‘Parabens and Your Health,’ which goes into detail about the full range of bodily problems these compounds can cause to your health.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium chloride both play contributing roles in damaging your hair’s youth and health, as these ingredients cause more hair fallout while having destructive effects on the proteins, such as keratin, that make up your hair strands. Sodium chloride is literally table salt, which dehydrates your scalp. SLS is a surfactant that strips your hair of much needed moisture and protective oils. Learn more about surfactants ‘Getting Clean of Soaps, Detergents, and Toxic Surfactants.



Now that you have a basic guide on which ingredients to avoid, it is time to learn which ingredients will heal your hair back to health. Remember, the longer you use a naturally formulated shampoo, the better the results will be. Check out our Shampoo FAQ to discover which one of our organic shampoos and conditioners is best for your hair type. You can also find more information about attaining healthy hair naturally with our other great reads including ‘Healthy Hair – Natural Cures, Tips, and Know-Hows‘ and ‘Happy Hair Naturally.’ Read on to achieve anti-aging knowledge that will put you ahead of the game, and allow you to drop years from your appearance.

A head of hair’s first sign of aging often happens as more and more strands of grey begin to appear. Many people turn to harsh dyes and coloring solutions to combat the greying process. However, these methods can often lead to a quicker rate of fallout and thinning from the harsh chemicals used in these products. To cover up your greys, opt instead of herbs, tea staining, or henna coloring. Mixing essential oils such as rosemary with sage in a carrier oil will generate a subtle blending of the grey with your natural hair color, while enhancing shine and luminosity. You can also steep a strong brew of tea and rinse your wet hair with it to enhance your hair color. Two tea bags per cup of water should be poured over the hair and allowed to soak until the hair dries. Try rooibos for shades of red, chamomile for blondes, and black tea or coffee for darker shades like brown or black. The strands will absorb the color and retain it. Repeating this process after each wash to deepen the color.

The next sign of aging hair often comes from thinning volume or a receding hairline. Amplify your anti-aging regimen by taking supplements such as a multimineral with trace minerals to build up hair structure, keratin to provide the proper protein needed for hair growth, biotin to encourage further growth, and vitamin C for collagen and elastin support for hair that has elasticity and bounce. Eating more foods such as avocados, flax seeds, and hemp seeds will also provide your body with fatty acids to nourish your hair’s future growth. It will provide your hair with moisture from the inside out. Eat plenty of carrots as well, as they will also support quickness of growth, thickness, and provide beta carotene, a substance that will help your hair hold its natural color for longer.

When it comes to shampoos that do not contain the aforementioned damaging ingredients, trust your hair to face naturals. We have shampoos, conditioners, and a Hair Shine Serum that will help you create a haircare regimen that suits your hair type, and keeps your strands safe from damage. Many of the essential oils used in our shampoos encourage hair growth, retention of hydration, proper cleansing, and reparations without coating your strands and scalp in a cuticle of chemical that deprives the skin and hair of needed oxygen. Our conditioners keep a proper pH of the scalp, which tends toward slightly acidic. This is due to the organic apple cider vinegar, which helps retain shine as well. Our natural haircare system keeps your lovely locks luscious and full, so that you can make the most of a head-to-toe anti-aging regimen that lets you take the stage and glow.


Find Your Favorite Hair Solutions with Face Naturals

We all know it is impossible to keep our natural beauty, and age gracefully when our hair withers, turns grey, and becomes brittle to the touch. Hair, one of the common denominators that will give away your age or take away some years, holds a high importance in maintaining a youthful, juvenescent appearance. Your skin’s health will always hold high importance. But leaving your hair out of your anti-aging routine could allow your hard work to fall apart. Remember to research your ingredients, and checkout the links to blog posts mentioned above for more help in maintaining your gorgeous mane.

Contact us for information about which of our products will work best for you! Whether sensitive, acneic, reactive, dry, or oily, we have a simple solution that comes straight from nature itself. We fully disclose all of our ingredients, and use no synthetic chemicals to create our products or cut corners. For optimal quality and healthier options, join our healthy mission today by creating an account with us. You can reap benefits such as Reward Points, coupon codes, and informative blog posts regarding health topics that matter to you, your family, and your community. Join the face naturals family for the best skin-love you can possibly discover.



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