Tag Archives: toners

Hydrosol Your Skin To Health With Healing Botanicals

Don’t be overwhelmed with all the natural skincare products out there because you are not alone. While your current facial cleansing and body cleansing may give you a clearer and brighter looking skin, they are doing you more harm than good. Parabens, phthalates, mineral oils, and dioxane are commonly found in most skincare products. In the long run, these chemicals can lead to premature skin aging, endocrine disruption and severe health problems.

Natural, Wildcrafted, Organic Facial Toners – Do You Need Them?

Facial Toners – one of the most disputed beauty secrets – remain the object of debate by multiple factions of people, including skin-care experts, beauty bloggers, health editors, and typical people with opinions on why or why not use them.

Magnificent Unmasking: A Feast for the Face from face naturals!

We write to provide you with all kinds of awesome information that empowers you to boost your body’s health. We believe that this should start with your skin – your number one defense mechanism and the largest organ on your body. Today, we want to make a special post that lets you put your best face forward – literally! We offer a wide range of all-natural clay masks formulated to detoxify, purify, and cleanse your skin from the surface of the epidermis to the layers beneath.