Tag Archives: raw foods

How to have a sweet life!

Bittersweet Truths: The Reality Behind Artificial vs. Natural Sweeteners

They come in many different packet colors (pastels like pink, blue, and yellow) and bear simple, appealing names like Sweet n’ Low, Nutrasweet, Splenda, and Equal. The companies guarantee that the product will taste as innocent as it looks, fulfilling its purpose of sweetening coffee, tea, or indulgent desserts while allowing the consumer the luxury of fewer calories or less fat. These are the same substances that many Americans put on a pedestal, while demonizing honey and raw sugar as diet destroyers.

Don’t Think Pink – Think Health!

To honor National Breast Cancer Month, and celebrate the thousands of breast cancer survivors nationwide, we put together a special article for our readers to enjoy. As the holiday season draws nearer, the desire to be with loved ones grows deeper. Some people will sadly miss a family member, left only with their memories as a celebration of that person. For many, it is because of breast cancer.

Monsanto’s Madhouse of Poisons

Monsanto’s Origins

Ever since its beginning in 1901, Monsanto has kept a tight grip on the food market in America. Its web, at some points, reaches beyond U.S. borders – with links to Nazi Germany and the extermination of the Jews and its marketing of saccharine, an artificial sweetener with a reputation built upon lies regarding health. We know Monsanto continues tightening its grip on the American population today – supporting the creation and distribution of genetically modified foods from tainted fields right to our dining room tables.

Fuel Your Food With Healthy Fats

What’s the Skinny on Fats?

For years, multimedia platforms have groomed a large portion of the public into believing that fats are bad for you. With wispy models on the runways showing of thin bodies, actors and actresses looking toned on the red carpet, and a number of health magazines offering to tell all about how to diet and lose weight quickly, many individuals feel compelled to say away from fatty foods. Even commercials advertise the latest trend in weight loss, whether it consists of a meal plan, pill, or exercise equipment. This bombardment of having the perfect body pulls many into gravitation. 

Healthy Living – Raw Foods to Add to Your Daily Diet

Deepening Your Health with Diet 

We have authored and posted a number of different articles revolving around how to manage regular nutrition, which foods heal naturally, and raw foods that could potentially extend your lifespan and quality of health. With the growing number of people who partake in the Standard American Diet, the consumption of healthy, nourishing foods decreases as people get their meal-time fills from hot fast foods, processed or microwaveable meals, or items extremely high in refined sugar. These items make the human body a breeding ground for chronic conditions, diseases, cancer, and a slew of other health problems that shatter a person’s quality of health.