Another cool blog post example!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed vulputate massa. Fusce ante magna, iaculis ut purus ut, facilisis ultrices nibh. Quisque commodo nunc eget tortor dapibus, et tristique magna convallis. Phasellus egestas nunc eu venenatis vehicula. Phasellus et magna nulla. Proin ante nunc, mollis a lectus ac, volutpat placerat ante. Vestibulum sit amet […]

Hydrosol Your Skin To Health With Healing Botanicals

Don’t be overwhelmed with all the natural skincare products out there because you are not alone. While your current facial cleansing and body cleansing may give you a clearer and brighter looking skin, they are doing you more harm than good. Parabens, phthalates, mineral oils, and dioxane are commonly found in most skincare products. In the long run, these chemicals can lead to premature skin aging, endocrine disruption and severe health problems.

How to Avoid Skin Cancer Naturally

Did you know that more than 1 million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in the United States every year? One in every 3 cancers diagnosed worldwide is a skin cancer. In 1944, Coppertone sunscreen became the first mass marketed sunscreen. Fast forward to today, about a billion dollars worth of sunscreen are sold each year in the United States.

Natural, Wildcrafted, Organic Facial Toners – Do You Need Them?

Facial Toners – one of the most disputed beauty secrets – remain the object of debate by multiple factions of people, including skin-care experts, beauty bloggers, health editors, and typical people with opinions on why or why not use them.

Sun your way to health!

These days, dermatologists and uninformed health fanatics give the sun a bad reputation. We see shows featuring doctors that lecture audiences on skin cancer and the necessity – real or imagined – of sun screen. We read magazine articles regarding the subject of the public’s growing concern with skin cancer. We watch commercials that promote sun screens to protect us from the UV rays that reached out to us for thousands of years.

Oil-Pulling For Opulent Health

We have all heard about the craze – the trumpets of alternative health bloggers triumphantly announcing oil-pulling as an alternative health practice that allegedly fixes everything in your life but your marriage or financial issues. Writers and beauty editors swear by it, claiming miraculous results within days.

Hormones and health!

You may not be familiar their names, what function they perform to keep you healthy, or what gland produces them, but hormones play a vital role in how you feel both physically and mentally. Hormone imbalances are relatively common, and often go unnoticed. Their symptoms are general, varying, and nondescript, but can easily alter the course of your day.

Magnificent Unmasking: A Feast for the Face from face naturals!

We write to provide you with all kinds of awesome information that empowers you to boost your body’s health. We believe that this should start with your skin – your number one defense mechanism and the largest organ on your body. Today, we want to make a special post that lets you put your best face forward – literally! We offer a wide range of all-natural clay masks formulated to detoxify, purify, and cleanse your skin from the surface of the epidermis to the layers beneath.

Destructive Drinking: The True Anatomy of Our Drinking Water

It’s a hot summer day, and you just got in from a refreshing run – listening to your favorite song, keeping a steady pace, sweat trickling down the side of your face. You could really use a nice, tall glass of water, so you head over to the kitchen sink and fill up a glass. As you eagerly gulp down every last drop, you probably do not stop to ask yourself what chemicals are used to treat the water. Perhaps, we can persuade you to give it a second thought.

GMOs: What to Know?

Type the words ‘deformities from GMOs’ into Google Images, and you will come across a disturbing collection of images depicting piglets with severe spinal conditions, rats with bulbous tumors growing from their bodies, and bulls with massive, bulging muscles similar to that of Mr. Universe. These grotesque images will disgust you enough, but reading even further into the twisted details framing the GMO scandal we all face everyday will make your stomach turn.

How to have a sweet life!

Bittersweet Truths: The Reality Behind Artificial vs. Natural Sweeteners

They come in many different packet colors (pastels like pink, blue, and yellow) and bear simple, appealing names like Sweet n’ Low, Nutrasweet, Splenda, and Equal. The companies guarantee that the product will taste as innocent as it looks, fulfilling its purpose of sweetening coffee, tea, or indulgent desserts while allowing the consumer the luxury of fewer calories or less fat. These are the same substances that many Americans put on a pedestal, while demonizing honey and raw sugar as diet destroyers.

Hemp – Nature’s Nutritional Powerhouse

After years and years of dispute and disagreement, many Americans finally seem to be coming to a common conclusion on hemp – for industrial, medicinal, and dietary purposes. After years of demonization through governmental propaganda spreading false messages of addiction and gang violence, studies conducted by doctors and medical facilities show conclusions that shed light on the healing reality of hemp and its wide range of uses in reference to human health.

Sweeten Your Health with Honey!

September is National Honey Month! To celebrate the end of it, we decided to give you the sugary details about how a regular dose of honey can enhance your health. We are not just talking about the naturally sweet goodness that drips like gooey gold from every tablespoon. We will inform you on how to use it to maximize its benefits in every part of your life.