Organic Perilla Seed Power Up

Praise for Perilla Seed Oil

Perilla seed oil will take your health by storm, with its power-packed contents of vitamins and minerals. Effective both as a skin-care ingredient and supplement, this carrier oil claims a space in dozens of our products. Today, we extrapolate on the vast combination of health benefits that perilla seed oil can provide in this special ingredient highlight.

Indigenous to the regions of eastern Asia, especially China and Japan, perilla plants have a place on the mint family tree. First used by the Chinese in the traditional herbal medicine practices common to their culture, it relieves a varying quantity of diverse ailments and irritations – inside and out.

Healthy Reflections

Healthy Reflections: Foods that Reflect Your Natural Beauty

If you are a fan of face naturals, then you know that what you put on your skin can make a huge impact on your appearance. We use organic ingredients to ensure that you feed the surface of your skin with nourishing botanicals. But no matter what brand of love you slather on you skin, the real reflection of health happens because you feed your body properly. 

Ebola VS. Flu

Understanding the Real Battle

Two viruses that have both earned headlines come face to face regarding their virulency,  contagion, symptoms, and death rate as we cover these violent viruses. More recently, the attention of the American public turns to Africa to watch the horror story unfold. Over 4,000 people died from Ebola, with the death toll steadily rising. The virus made its way into North America and two other continents, weaving a tangled web of insidious miscalculation, mystery cures low in supply, mistrust of the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control, and demands for screenings at airports – cries to stop the possibility of the potentially pending pandemic.

Many of us seem to forget the facts that other viruses have plagued our world, incurring terror and death for centuries. Viruses, an age-old enemy for the human population, and an often misunderstood enigma that can cause enormous damage, often cast monstrous shadows that splash across newspapers, film screens, and personal televisions. But what threat do these tiny, microbial particles really create for us? And what really generates the big, scary shadows that make us cower? We take a look at two of the most highly discussed viruses that both made headlines, and uncover what we should really fear.

Patch Up Your Pet Care… Naturally!

Pamper Your Pets Naturally!

Everyone knows that our pets are just as important to our families as humans. Our cats and dogs will celebrate with us, snuggle with us, and share our general struggles with us. Some call them man’s best friend; other’s call them their children. Thus, we find great importance in taking care of our furbabies. However, many of the most popular pet supplies can have some serious health implications.

The upcoming warm seasons herald the arrival of potential flea plagues for many pet owners. Plus, with March marking Nation Pet Care Month, we decided to delve into the details of maintaining your pet’s health the holistic way. Face naturals outlines some potential dangers to using common flea treatments that contain insecticides as active ingredients, and ideas for keeping fleas at a minimum using only natural ingredients. Some of our products may even help you keep your four-legged children in ship shape.


Estrogen Mimickers: Synthetic Problems With Organic Solutions

Easing Away from Estrogen Mimickers

Hormone disruption can cause a variety of unsettling physical and mental health issues that often prove difficult to shake. In our article about the endocrine system, we outlined some of the main components of how your body produces hormones, and what can happen when the functions of this system go awry. Estrogen mimickers, one of the main reasons that our naturally occurring hormones can get throw out of whack, are in more products than you think. Foods, medicines, skin-care products, and cosmetics can often contain some version of these mimickers.

Why does it matter? Well, estrogen mimickers can cause a variety of health problems over the course of time – many of which can often remain under the radar. People who are unfamiliar with the way certain substances interact with their body, and do not fully understand the symptoms that ensue may dismiss encroaching estrogen mimickers. Learn about the surprising items you may purchase or consume that may contain these mimickers, as well as the common symptoms and long-term health effects that they could cause to you and your family.


Why You Need Natural Hair Care

Nourish Your Hair… Naturally! 

You may already know about the toxicity that most common hair-care products have, and what the chemicals can do to your hair and your health. We covered much of this information in our blog entitled ‘The Shocking Shroud Surrounding Your Shampoo,’ which exposes how these synthetic ingredients can adversely affect your body as a whole – as well as your head of hair! Now, we want to demonstrate why our hair-cleansing system works, what it does, and how to use it.

You can achieve the lovely, natural locks you have always wanted very easily by employing our shampoos and conditioners. Many of our clients come to us with questions, and do not fully understand how it works or what to expect. We detailed much of this information in our Shampoo FAQ, which explains how to manage your hair during the detox period – the first few weeks that you start using our natural shampoos and conditioners. Here, we explain what benefits you will experience by adding our hair-care line to your beauty regimen.


Fuel Your Food With Healthy Fats

What’s the Skinny on Fats?

For years, multimedia platforms have groomed a large portion of the public into believing that fats are bad for you. With wispy models on the runways showing of thin bodies, actors and actresses looking toned on the red carpet, and a number of health magazines offering to tell all about how to diet and lose weight quickly, many individuals feel compelled to say away from fatty foods. Even commercials advertise the latest trend in weight loss, whether it consists of a meal plan, pill, or exercise equipment. This bombardment of having the perfect body pulls many into gravitation. 

Organic Olive Oil For Optimal Skin

Olive Oil – The Oldest Trick in the Book

Olive oil, one of the most common and familiar products available on the market, has a history that reaches all the way back the ancient Egyptians and beyond. We generally use it as a cooking oil or ingredient in our recipes. Many beauty bloggers also hail its abilities as a potential addition to your skin-care or cosmetic routine. Face naturals already uses it as an ingredient in our botanical skin-care products. But do we actually know exactly why this ingredient works so effectively with our skin, or what it does that makes it work so powerfully for a range of different complexions?

Take Action Against Anxiety


Imagine your brain constantly yelling “Ahhhh!” at random moments of the day. Imagine that you continuously find yourself incapable of controlling the fearful thought patterns weaving their way into every action or move you make during the course of a typical schedule. A rapid fire of inner dialogue consists of phrases like “I’ll never get anywhere; why bother?” or “What will everyone think of me?” A borage of self-doubt, fear, and worry about nearly everything follows you around, always lurking and waiting to pounce and take over either every second of the day or at unplanned moments. This is anxiety, a continuous cycle of low self-esteem, constant worry about not being good enough, and wondering why bother because you might seriously mess it up anyway. It nags and nags, sticking around as you talk to friends and family, making you afraid of what they will say about you. It prevents you from concentrating because it may not be good enough, whatever you are doing.

Truth In Aging Series – The Sun And Aging

Sunlight: a Make or Break in Anti-Aging

The sun and its light surrounds us nearly every minute of every day. Even on cloudy days, its rays still reach the surface of the planet, keeping the life on earth warm and alive. All living things need the sun to survive, as it produces plants with their needed energy. In turn, plants provide us with food and a number of other substances that we can easily make use of. It feels good to bask in its light, and soak it up onto our complexion. But how does the sun affect our skin? And what does it make or break the average anti-aging routine?

Truth In Aging Series – Anti-Aging From Head To Toe

Getting Back to Your Natural Youth from Head to Toe

Whether you are still in your twenties, noticing the signs of premature aging, or being asked whether you want a senior discount at the local movie theater, your appearance probably plays a key role in how you feel about yourself – whether man or woman. No matter who you are or what your age, a great deal of your self-esteem lies in both how you treat yourself and look at yourself. We all have imperfections we come to terms with. We all age and start to show it at some point. However, the naturally unique beauty that encompasses us draws a fine line into what works for us. This extends to any beauty products. None of us are conventional people, so why turn to conventional products?

Truth In Aging Series – Anti-Aging For All Ages

Putting Your Face Back Together When It Starts to Fall Apart

One of the biggest mistakes people make when selecting a proper skincare routine lies in making generalized decisions that do not benefit the age of their skin. In other words, not all anti-aging products will benefit your skin or give you the results that really want. Your skin evolves and changes as you get older, and opting for products that do not suit your age can keep you from proper prevention, protection, and even reversal of aged aesthetics later down the road. But many people do not understand the proper steps and precautions to take, regardless of age and experience.

Truth In Aging Series – Anti-Aging With Organic Solutions

The Organic Solution to Aging

Looking for more reasons to go organic? It looks as though you may have found them! Organic can make a difference in the way your body ages, both from the inside and outside. This not only applies to the foods you consume, but also to the products you slather onto your skin. Organic, GMO-free options are often inherently healthier, and if you read our blog regularly, then you can find multiple posts backing up this argument with good reasons. Our posts ‘GMO: What to Know?‘ and ‘GMO: Friend or Foe?‘ can fill you in on why opting for both organic and non-GMO verified foods is best for your health in general.

Truth In Aging Series – Escaping Environmental Damage

Environmental Damage and Aging (Pre-Aging Plan)

When you think of environmental damage to the skin, you most likely will picture the sun or think about air pollutants floating around as you walk outside. While these two definitely contribute to a lot of environmental damage, and certainly are some of the most common factors in your skin’s aging process, many other contributors may float around in your home, your car, your work or school space – basically everywhere. You cannot escape environmental damage, and the effects of it will eventually show up on your skin somewhere down the line – whether through premature aging or graceful aging. A pre-aging plan in recognizing and tackling these factors will help eliminate the damage that shows up years down the road.   

Truth In Aging Series – Emotional Education and Anti-Aging

Positive Power for Skin Perfection

It is no secret that negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, grief, anger or frustration can have terrible effects on our skin – both during the current moment we feel it and years down the road! Certain facial expressions can accentuate wrinkles and fine lines, and stress causes the release of cortisol – a hormone that degrades your reserves of collagen and elastin. This can lead to sagging skin, dull complexion, and a lackluster tone. Negative emotions not only effect the way you look and the way you feel, but it also effects your lifestyle habits and your general health.